7de Laan Teasers for December 2023; In the small town of Hillside, residents navigate their daily lives filled with love, friendship, and challenges. As they prepare for a masquerade, launch businesses, confront misunderstandings, and celebrate special moments, the bonds between them grow stronger until they bid farewell in the heartwarming series finale.
1st December 2023 – Episode 5704: Denzil comforts Ivy. The residents of Hillside get ready for a masquerade, and Mariaan seeks DeWet’s assistance.
4th December 2023 – Episode 5705: Karmen invites Denzil to dinner as a gesture of gratitude for organizing the ball. Bonita eagerly awaits the launch of her expanding business.
5th December 2023 – Episode 5706: Vanessa and Ivy take great pride in their children’s academic accomplishments. Tanya is surprised to encounter Augusta at the clinic, where Augusta reassures her that it’s just a routine check-up.
6th December 2023 – Episode 5707: Lesedi jumps to the wrong conclusion upon witnessing Vanessa returning Denzil’s jacket. Werner’s business plan continues to progress.
7th December 2023 – Episode 5708: Vanessa indulges herself and her friends with a luxurious pampering session in anticipation of Bonita’s upcoming launch. Meanwhile, Zee and Uys well-intentionedly attempt to assist Augusta with her audition but unintentionally create a more difficult situation for her.
8th December 2023 – Episode 5709: Bonita struggles to find motivation after a nightmare, while Augusta and Aggie engage in a frank discussion about the ever-changing beauty standards.
11th December 2023 – Episode 5710: The Visagies are thrilled that Augusta will reprise her role as Alida. Bonita feels frustrated by recent setbacks, but Vanessa encourages her not to give up.
12th December 2023 – Episode 5711: Ivy lies to Denzil about a potential replacement for her position. DeWet reprimands Mariaan and offers his perspective on problem-solving.
13th December 2023 – Episode 5712: Augusta revels in the admiration received for her project. Bonita becomes furious at DeWet’s deceit.
14th December 2023 – Episode 5713: Denzil is exceptionally happy, while Alexa stumbles upon a shocking discovery.
15th December 2023 – Episode 5714: Lesedi expresses gratitude for a considerate gift from Zee. Marvin and Ivy offer prayers of thanks for their time spent in Hillside.
18th December 2023 – Episode 5715: Emotions run high in Hillside as Bonita reaches out to Tony, and Aggie has a heartwarming moment with Vee and Eddie.
19th December 2023 – Episode 5716: Vanessa confides her fears to Lesedi and Denzil and realizes she must take action to help her friend. Werner goes to great lengths to protect and support his family, potentially putting their lives at risk.
20th December 2023 – Episode 5717: Tjattas’s friends are surprised by his reaction to a romantic gesture. Rickus honors his father’s wishes.
21st December 2023 – Episode 5718: Zee and Sudesh eagerly anticipate starting their life in their new home. Werner’s company begins its operations on the first day of business.
22nd December 2023 – Episode 5719: Tjattas returns to the squatter camps and reflects on how much he has progressed. The Visagies are enamored with their new home.
25th December 2023 – Episode 5720: The residents of Hillside celebrate the holiday festivities while Vanessa takes a moment to cherish the memories of her friends and family throughout the years.
26th December 2023 – Episode 5721: Series finale! The residents of Hillside bid farewell to the viewers of “The Hillsiders” and “7de Laan”.
The End.