Faltu Teasers for August 2023; In the heartwarming series “Faltu,” set to premiere on Star Life, we follow the journey of Faltu, an undervalued Rajasthani girl, and Ayaan Mittal, a former cricketer determined to quit the sport. As fate brings them together, Faltu defies societal norms to pursue her passion for cricket, while Ayaan finds himself drawn to her against all odds. This captivating tale explores love, determination, and the courage to challenge expectations in the pursuit of one’s dreams.
Faltu Teasers for August 2023
Monday 7 August 2023
Episode 1
Faltu, an unvalued Rajasthani girl, faces disregard from everyone, while Ayaan Mittal, a former cricketer, is determined to quit cricket.
Tuesday 8 August 2023
Episode 2
Faltu, disregarded by male cricketers for her gender, decides to prove herself and stands up against her uncle’s insults to her father.
Wednesday 9 August 2023
Episode 3
Faltu misguides Ayaan and his sister to their guest house, and later finds herself startled when they unexpectedly visit her home.
Thursday 10 August 2023
Episode 4
Ayaan becomes agitated with Faltu’s hospitality at their guest house, while her aunt grows affectionate towards her.
Friday 11 August 2023
Episode 5
Faltu is shocked by a family conversation and takes a firm stand against them, feeling anxious about Pappi’s condition.
Saturday 12 August 2023
Episode 6
Faltu and Pratap find trouble near Gopal’s office, leading Faltu to disguise herself as a male player to play cricket for Bishnupur’s team.
Sunday 13 August 2023
Episode 7
Faltu faces Angoori’s questions, but her father supports her decision to learn cricket from Ayaan.
Monday 14 August 2023
Episode 8
Faltu proposes an idea to attract customers and asks Ayaan to become Anmol’s cricket coach. After several attempts, Ayaan agrees to her deal.
Tuesday 15 August 2023
Episode 9
Ayaan is shocked to learn about Faltu’s arranged marriage with a thug, and when Ratan attacks Charan, Faltu promises to protect him.
Wednesday 16 August 2023
Episode 10
Faltu refuses financial help from Ayaan to stand by her father’s side and secretly takes cricket training from him.
Thursday 17 August 2023
Episode 11
Faltu gets uncomfortable during training, and her aunt becomes suspicious when she is not at home.
Friday 18 August 2023
Episode 12
Faltu gets uncomfortable during training, and her aunt grows more suspicious when she is absent from home.
Saturday 19 August 2023
Episode 13
Ayaan motivates Faltu before her cricket match and promises to watch her play, but suddenly leaves Ittarpur on his father’s order.
Sunday 20 August 2023
Episode 14
Faltu’s disguise causes trouble when she tries to run away from home and gets questioned. Pappi is furious upon learning about her escape.
Monday 21 August 2023
Episode 15
Faltu dreams of winning as she approaches the half-century milestone, but her dream is cut short when Pappi reveals her disguise.
Tuesday 22 August 2023
Episode 16
Pappi threatens Charan, forcing Faltu to agree to the arranged marriage.
Wednesday 23 August 2023
Episode 17
Ayaan asks Faltu to break the wedding and leave with him to Mumbai. With Charan’s approval, Faltu and Ayaan depart.
Thursday 24 August 2023
Episode 18
Janardhan severs ties with Ayaan for arriving late, and Pappi vows to find Faltu.
Friday 25 August 2023
Episode 19
Charan stands firm when villagers question him about Faltu. Meanwhile, Faltu faces trouble after taking an unknown cab.
Saturday 26 August 2023
Episode 20
Ayaan waits anxiously for news from Faltu while making excuses for his engagement. Faltu seeks Ayaan’s help while hiding from goons.
Sunday 27 August 2023
Episode 21
Ayaan finds Faltu and worries for her, while Siddharth notices them together. Kanika is enraged by Ayaan’s absence at his engagement.
Monday 28 August 2023
Episode 22
Ayaan shelters Faltu and fabricates a story before the Mittals. Pappi threatens Faltu to reveal her whereabouts.
Tuesday 29 August 2023
Episode 23
Tanisha urges Ayaan to focus on their wedding, but he remains preoccupied with thoughts of Faltu. Pappi informs Siddharth about Faltu.
Wednesday 30 August 2023
Episode 24
Janardhan restricts Ayaan to the house and assigns Siddharth office duties. Siddharth plans to bring the family to Rijula’s place.
Thursday 31 August 2023
Episode 25
Siddharth takes the Mittal family to Rijula’s house to search for Faltu, but Ayaan arrives just in time to rescue her.
Premiere episodes of Faltu air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 18h00.