Flight Time from Johannesburg to Bhisho; Bhisho is located in South Africa’s Eastern Cape and is much smaller than other major cities such as Johannesburg. From Johannesburg’s O.R. Tambo International Airport, JNB), to Bhisho usually involves flying to East London Airport, ELS. Bhisho is not a large commercial airport. Direct flights from Johannesburg to East London take approximately one hour and thirty minutes.
FlySafair offers multiple flights daily between Johannesburg and East London. South African Airways and Airlink also offer these flights. After arriving at East London Airport you will need to drive 45 minutes (60 km) to Bhisho. To get to Bhisho, you can use ground transportation such as taxis or car rentals.
The total travel time for travellers from Johannesburg to Bhisho (including the flight and the drive) is typically between 2 and 3 hours. It is convenient for personal, business or government visits. The drive between East London and Bhisho is a short one, but it offers scenic views of South Africa.