Umkhokha: The Curse Teasers for March 2024: In the season finale on March 1, 2024, tensions escalate as Umkhokha pays an unexpected visit to the Mthembu family, leading to a shocking turn of events involving Mabusi and Gumede. Following this, Season 2 commences immediately. Don’t miss the premiere episodes of “Umkhokha: The Curse” airing weekdays at 20:30.
Friday, March 1, 2024:
Episode 260: Back to where it all began
Season 1 finale!
Umkhokha unexpectedly visits the Mthembus, while Mabusi commits an unthinkable act. Gumede pins hopes on confronting Mzobe’s remains, only to face a shocking revelation.
Season 2 commences directly afterward.
Teasers for the upcoming season can be found here: Umkhokha: The Curse 2 Teasers for March 2024
I’m very disappointed for Mabusi why are you doing .is Mabusi is out on mkhokha