If You Were Not Teasers June 2023; In this gripping series, a complex web of relationships unfolds at a hospital, where Dr. Anand’s harsh actions spark tension with Nurse Niyati. As their paths intertwine with the enigmatic Abhimanyu, secrets are unveiled, leading to a series of emotional upheavals and unexpected twists. Brace yourself for a captivating journey through love, betrayal, and the pursuit of truth.
Thursday 15th June 2023
Episode 1
Dr. Anand reprimands Nurse Niyati at the hospital for commemorating a patient’s birthday. Niyati’s parents conceal her past, and on her way home, she receives assistance from Abhimanyu.
Friday 16th June 2023
Episode 2
After six months of absence, Abhimanyu contacts his mother. He coincidentally encounters Niyati again and confronts Dr. Anand for mistreating a destitute woman at the hospital.
Saturday 17th June 2023
Episode 3
Abhimanyu declares his love for Niyati, while his mother, Manorama, searches for him at the hospital. Niyati, overwhelmed by Sulochna’s anger, impulsively slaps Abhimanyu, shocked by his peculiar behavior.
Sunday 18th Jun 2023
Episode 4
Filled with remorse for slapping Abhimanyu, Niyati desperately looks for him. Manorama implores Niyati to save Abhimanyu, who reveals his plan to leave the city.
Monday 19th June 2023
Episode 5
Abhimanyu informs Niyati of his departure from Mumbai, and Sulochna decides it is time to reveal the truth to Niyati. Together with Dinkar, Manorama and Niyati rush to the bus stop in search of Abhimanyu.
Tuesday 20th June 2023
Episode 6
Niyati encourages Abhimanyu to seek treatment, but he is attacked by thugs, causing his health to deteriorate. Niyati brings him to the hospital, where he causes a commotion upon regaining consciousness.
Wednesday 21st June 2023
Episode 7
As Niyati removes Abhimanyu’s restraints, he unexpectedly assaults her. Manorama recognizes Niyati’s father and becomes restless, reminiscing about her past. Panic ensues when Abhimanyu manages to escape from the hospital.
Thursday 22nd June 2023
Episode 8
Niyati prevents Abhimanyu from fleeing the hospital and he apologizes to Manorama, making a promise to her. Later, Niyati feels despondent witnessing Abhimanyu undergoing shock therapy.
Friday 23rd June 2023
Episode 9
Lata, Anand’s mother, discusses Anand and Niyati’s marriage with Niyati’s parents. Ram, Niyati’s father, finds himself in a dilemma due to Lata’s proposal. Ram notices Manorama and follows her to the hospital.
Saturday 24th June 2023
Episode 10
After discovering the truth about Abhimanyu, Ram approves of Niyati’s relationship with Dr. Anand. Abhimanyu opens up to Manorama and expresses a wish. Ram urges Sulochana to let go of Niyati’s past.
Sunday 25th June 2023
Episode 11
Ram insists that Niyati agrees to marry Dr. Anand. Mr. Singh, the hospital trustee, pressures Niyati to take responsibility for Abhimanyu’s treatment. Niyati confides in Ram and Sulochana about the situation.
Monday 26th June 2023
Episode 12
Under pressure from Ram, Niyati consents to marry Dr. Anand, surprising Abhimanyu. He questions Niyati about her decision and openly expresses his feelings for her.
Tuesday 27th June 2023
Episode 13
Abhimanyu experiences another breakdown, and Manorama visits Niyati’s house
, shocking Sulochana with the truth. Dr. Anand overhears Ram making a request to Manorama, while Niyati meets with Abhimanyu.
Wednesday 28th June 2023
Episode 14
Ram discloses Niyati’s past to Dr. Anand, and Gajendra, Abhimanyu’s father, accuses Niyati of trapping Abhimanyu. Meanwhile, Dr. Anand resolves to reveal the truth to Niyati.
Thursday 29th June 2023
Episode 15
Dr. Anand refrains from telling Niyati the truth and decides to marry her promptly. Manorama also conceals Niyati’s secret from Gajendra. Subsequently, Niyati and Dr. Anand’s engagement date is finalized.
Friday 30th June 2023
Episode 16
Abhimanyu refuses treatment in London and interrupts Niyati’s engagement celebration upon learning about it. To hide the truth, Manorama prevents Gajendra from attending the event.