Innocence Teasers for May 2024: “May 2024 on Innocence delivers a whirlwind of drama as Bahar navigates accusations, family tensions, and her daughter Ela’s tumultuous relationships. Amidst trials, betrayals, and revelations, the series reaches its gripping finale, promising closure and the unveiling of long-held secrets. Stay tuned for the intense saga that unfolds weekdays at 16:30 on S3, followed by the eagerly anticipated arrival of a new Turkish novela.”
Wednesday, May 1, 2024:
Episode 23:
Bahar is willing to accept Timur’s return for the sake of Mert. Harun and Bahar work together to protect their daughters. Irem has visited her rival Ela.
Thursday, May 2, 2024:
Episode 24:
Bahar is accused of stealing a large amount of money from Harun.
Hale is thrilled and ecstatic with the current situation. Harun is in deep trouble. Harun is facing a backlash from the public.
Friday, May 3, 2024:
Episode 25:
Bahar runs to her inlaws after a press article claims that her pregnancy forced her to marry Timur. Ela wonders if her grandmother and aunt hate her mother. Birce informs Harun she is going home for a little while.
Monday, May 6, 2024:
Episode 26:
Ela and Ilker have a pleasant moment together on Ilker’s sailboat. But when Ilker brings her to his car she is overcome with flashbacks and unable to enter. Ela is evaluated by a psychiatric team to determine her mental state.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024:
Episode 27:
Ismail asked a private investigator to tell her where she was with her husband on the evening of 24th February.
On television, the committee announces its findings that confirm Ela’s intoxication.
Ela is told by the psychologist about Ilker’s manipulative techniques.
Wednedsay, May 8, 2024:
Episode 28:
Birce calls Ilker a narcissist and a manipulator. He declares his war on the Ilgaz clan.
Ilker accuses Ilker’s father of betraying them. Ismail has a cruel and humiliating nature, according to Ilker.
Thursday, May 9, 2024:
Episode 29:
Ela tells her father it was partly her fault for choosing the wrong boy, after she saw how her father had hurt his mother. Ela then helps Umut at the pastry shop, and joins Ilker in his sailing boat.
Friday, May 10, 2024:
Episode 30:
Hale informs Banu that Ismail was present at the attack on Ela. She asks that he work with her in order to get back what she owes. Ilker and Ela were on Ilker’s yacht. He does not answer the call, but accidentally calls Ela back. She hears Ilker speaking to Ela.
Monday, May 13, 2024:
Episode 31:
Irem is on board the boat with Ilker. He tries to convince her to leave, while secretly texting Ela. Irem refuses to go and says she will give him some time to make up his mind. Ilker sends Ela another text.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024:
Episode 32:
Ismail Beril appear to have a friendship that extends beyond their work. Hale is aware of everything. Umut still loves Ela. He pretends indifference and claims to be the opposite. Ela admits to having an accomplice, but says she’s not part of any conspiracy.
Wednesday, May 15, 2024:
Episode 33:
Bahar has Bahadir waiting with her at the police station, where Umut was arrested as a possible suspect in the attack against Ela. Ismail surprises them by arriving with the police.
Thursday, May 16, 2024:
Episode 34:
Bahar and Ela were shocked to learn of Umut’s detention. He is brought to prison, and Yelda visits in the visiting room. She tries to make him talk in vain. Irem tells Ilker the renovations of their home are finished and they can move in. Ilker is not happy.
Friday, May 17, 2024:
Episode 35:
Yelda desperately tries in the visitor’s room to get a mutinous Umut talking, but he ends up saying, “Ela knows all.” Ela and Irem are seen pampering themselves in preparation for the evening. They have one clear goal: Ilker. Irem tells her family that she will kidnap Ilker tonight.
Monday, May 20, 2024:
Episode 36:
Harun and Beril secretly meet to make an agreement. Beril is suspicious of Harun because he appears to be an extremely dominant and strong man. Ela can’t get Ilker to leave her heart, despite Bahar’s concerns. She confesses that Ilker’s feelings towards her daughter have her in a bind.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024:
Episode 37:
Bahar asks Ela’s therapist to find a way to help her daughter who is under Ilker’s control. Ela is only “saved”, if Ela wants to be… Ela tells her therapist she wants to stop the therapy.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024:
Episode 38:
Umut is led to Ismail’s prison cell by a guard accomplice who attempts to intimidate Umut into speaking. Ismail calls out for help when Umut comes out of the cell. Yonca becomes angry when Ela says something that is more or less defending Ilker. Bahar has to defend his daughter.
Thursday, May 23, 2024:
Episode 39:
Ilker shows up at Bahar’s door, and gives Ela a small box that contains a ring. Bahar throws the ring in Ela’s face. Timur picks Ela up, who does not want to stay with her mother for the duration of the trial. Bahar gives Timur 1,000 recommendations and asks that he make sure she doesn’t see Ilker anymore.
Friday, May 24, 2024:
Episode 40:
Harun threatens Ilker with death if his child does not recover. Timur gives Ilker his daughter in exchange for an extremely generous check. Timur, his mother and Ela convince Ela that Ilker’s offer is acceptable because they fear the cheque won’t be cashed.
Monday, May 27, 2024:
Episode 41:
Finale of the series!!!
Today, two trials begin with the divorce of Bahar and Timur. Timur is trying to convince the court that Bahar had cheated with Harun. The long-awaited trial for Ela’s attack is finally here. The truth has finally been revealed thanks to the evidence and testimony.