Lost in Love Teasers for May 2024: “Lost in Love,” a captivating television series airing in May 2024 on Star Life, delves into a complex narrative of romance, betrayal, and family dynamics. The storyline follows Savi as she navigates challenges brought about by uncovering criminal activities involving the Bhosales and Samrudh’s family. Amidst these revelations, Savi finds support from Ishaan, whose involvement sparks emotional entanglements. As the series progresses, relationships become strained, past flames resurface, and family crises unfold, shaping the characters’ intertwined fates. The show promises a compelling blend of drama and intrigue, set against the backdrop of personal and professional turmoil.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024:
Episode 1036:
The Bhosales and Samrudhs families ask Savi to prove her claim. But they refuse to accept it, even if Savi provides proof. Ishaan is in support of Savi.
Thursday, May 2, 2024:
Episode 1037:
Savi exposes Mandar and Samrudh criminal activities. Nishikant accuses Surekha of a crime after their arrest.
Friday, May 3, 2024:
Episode 1038:
Durva insists that Samrudh not be punished, despite the fact that she exposed his illegal activity. Savi is angry and decides to avenge herself.
Saturday, May 4, 2024:
Episode 1039:
Samrudh and Mandar conspire to sabotage Savi, seeking revenge. Ishaan, meanwhile, expresses his gratitude to Savi through gifts.
Sunday, May 5, 2024:
Episode 1040:
Isha’s presence is eagerly anticipated by the Bhosale institute as they prepare for the competition. Surekha blocks Isha from entering, creating a disturbance.
Monday, May 6, 2024:
Episode 1041:
Savi tells Ishaan that Durva’s graffiti team cheated in the contest. Ishaan, noticing something is amiss, decides to test the team.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024:
Episode 1042:
Savi presents evidence of the graffiti created by her team, which secures a win in the competition. Ishaan is investigating the perpetrator of the graffiti defacement.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024:
Episode 1043:
Ishaan treats Savi after he was injured during the competition. Shantanu discovers that Isha has missed the college event due to Surekha.
Thursday, May 9, 2024:
Episode 1044:
Ishaan comforts Savi and helps her to stop having hiccups. Ayush gives Savi’s partner stomach pain in order to create trouble.
Friday, May 10, 2024:
Episode 1045:
Savi cannot recreate the magic of Virat and Sai’s story on stage without a partner. Ishaan must rearrange the performance order in order to adjust.
Saturday, May 11, 2024:
Episode 1046:
Savi’s performance is greeted by thunderous applause. Durva demands that Savi be disqualified because she claims Ishaan assisted her.
Sunday, May 12, 2020:
Episode 1047:
Ishaan’s old passion is reignited by a new one, and this could lead to unanticipated complications in the future.
Monday, May 13, 2024:
Episode 1048:
Ishaan is struggling to deal with his emotions after a recent meeting with Reeva. Savi is concerned about his change in mood and wonders why he’s so upset.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024:
Episode 1049:
Yashwant confronts Reeva and the Marathes when he learns about her actions. Ishaan is also struggling to overcome the emotional turmoil.
Wednesday, May 15, 2024:
Episode 1050:
Reva is desperate to repair a relationship that has been broken for a long time. She seeks out one last opportunity to redeem herself. Ishaan, however, feels that it is too late to make amends or start over.
Thursday, May 16, 2024:
Episode 1051:
Savi receives the same bad news about Ninad. While caring for him, she receives a phone call.
Friday, May 17, 2024:
Episode 1052:
Savi offers Reeva a helping hand and an ear, not knowing the truth. The Bhosale Institute is then called in for a dramatic interview.
Saturday, May 18, 2020:
Episode 1053:
Ishaan criticizes Savi for suggesting Reeva for the position of professor. Harinee stresses the need for additional funding for Ninad’s treatment.
Sunday, May 19, 2024:
Episode 1054:
Reva’s arrival ignites an argument between Isha and Ishaan regarding the interview. Meanwhile, at the hospital, Vinayak makes shocking remarks about Ninad’s treatment costs.
Monday, May 20, 2024:
Episode 1055:
Nishikant tells Isha about Reva’s past, accusing her of ruining Ishaan’s life. Savi confronts Vinayak about his selfish behavior, lashing him out.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024:
Episode 1056:
An infuriated Ishaan confronts Savi about allowing Reva into the college. Meanwhile, Reva remains resolute in her determination to re-enter Ishaan’s life.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024:
Episode 1057:
Ninad asks Savi, who is in tears, to take him home, without any treatment. Everyone is surprised by Ishaan’s approval of Reva’s admission.
Thursday, May 23, 2020:
Episode 1058:
Ishaan feels uncomfortable when Reva and other new lecturers arrive. Ninad suffered severe injuries after she fell down the stairwell at the hospital.
Friday, May 24, 2024:
Episode 1059:
Savi desperately tries to help Ninad recover his memory.
Saturday, May 25, 2024:
Episode 1060:
Ishaan is a great help to Savi in recovering Ninad’s memory. Savi’s joy when she recovers Ninad’s lost memory.
Sunday, May 26, 2024:
Episode 1061:
Reva is trying to get closer to Ishaan but he doesn’t respond. Ishaan pays Ninad’s medical bills. Savi’s family is grateful.
Monday, May 27, 2024:
Episode 1062:
Bhavani apologizes for her misbehavior to Savi. Isha does not celebrate Savi’s surprise.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024:
Episode 1063:
Ishaan gets angry when Shantanu requests something.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024:
Episode 1064:
Ishaan shares his good news at college with his usual joy. Savi works on a script in hopes of getting Ishaan’s approval.
Thursday, May 30, 2024:
Episode 1065:
Savi starts her dramatic performance by taking on the role of Isha. Surekha reacts to the drama that is unfolding in front of her.
Friday, May 31, 2024:
Episode 1066:
Isha accuses Savi of lying after the performance, and the audience is shocked.